What is Reddit and how does reddit work??

What is Reddit ? :

What is reddit

Reddit is a social network integration, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members can submit a variety of content, such as links, text, and pictures, which are then voted up or down by other members.

How does Reddit work?

Reddit is an American based community forum type site. Most of its users are American. Reddit can be called the same as Facebook.

Writing here can be anything, you can write about any subject. When you publish writing, pictures, videos, etc. on any subject here, they are publicly visible to everyone.
And when people like it, they have the option of upvote and that post spreads to many more people. This system is managed by the users.

What is karma point :

When you make a post, the voters can give you a special kind of coin award in which you are rewarded along with your post.Because when I like a text, picture or video and I think everyone should know it, I vote for it to let everyone know.
There is a kind of point system here. Your points increase when there is an upvote in your post or your comment.
And the point I talked about is called "Karma" point in Reddit's language. Which you earn by posting differently.

Here you will find communities like Facebook groups in which you can post so that you can reach real visitors.
Again, these communities have their own rules about how you can post and what you can't.

You have to post accordingly. Upvoting your posts here increases the "karma" point and you become acceptable to people. The more your "karma" points, the more rich you are.

Learn more about Reddit through a video

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