Landing on the moon : real or a hoax!

In 1969, America's technology was advanced enough to send spaceships, but not enough to land in Chad. And America was lagging behind the Soviet Union. Then the Soviet Union did not know how America could be. Many people think that the story of going to the moon is completely false. It was videoed at Area Fifty One.

😏Landing on the moon : real or a hoax! ?

July 20, 1969 is a historic day for mankind. On that day, humans landed on the moon. Man conquered the moon. But this incident of going to the moon has become controversial. Many people think that man did not go to the moon. 
Although the first man set foot on the moon in 1969, the journey of this event began with the launch of Sputnik by the then Soviet Union in 1957.

Russia goes ahead in the race to reach the first moon.

Then the Russian Luna 9 spacecraft made another successful landing on the moon in February 1966. 
From that time it was possible to take a picture of the surface of the moon for the first time. Then Russia sent another mission called Luna 10. It was the first spacecraft to be placed in lunar orbit. The mission helped to study the natural features of the moon.

Landing on the moon

The Soviets launched a spacecraft named Luna 2 on September 12, 1959. The Soviet authorities then did an unusual thing. They shared much important information with the British astronomer Bernard Lovell despite this secrecy. He was even informed about its course. This Bernard E assured all the observers of the world about the success of this mission.

Seven years later, Luna 9 was launched. Before it landed on the moon, Soviet and American scientists thought the lunar surface would be too soft for the rover. There were fears that the surface of the moon was covered with dust and a vehicle could sink into the surface upon landing.

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But this Soviet probe showed for the first time that the surface of the moon is solid and this information is very important.

"In the world of science it is the discovery of the historian that helped the next mission" - said Jackson.

Moreover, the Soviet Union sent the first man into space in 1961 and performed events such as the first space walk in 1965. In 1965, he was able to do the first space walk in space. This space walk lasted 12 minutes.

Landing on the moon

Then in 1968, the United States made a big incident. The Apollo 8 mission sent a manned vehicle to the moon. It orbited the moon and returned safely to Earth. Apollo 11 was launched less than a year later. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the back of the moon. Landed on the surface of the moon took pictures and placed the American flag on the surface of the moon.

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But a survey found that 5 percent of Americans do not accept the fact that they went to the moon. 

The Guardian reports that 400,000 NASA workers and contractors invested their tireless efforts and energy in making Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's moon landing a success in 1969. But the idea spread by just one person is capable of creating doubt in the minds of many by interpreting the entire phenomenon as a hoax. However, these rumors or conspiracy theories began to gain attention after a book was published in 1976. The author of the book is a journalist Bill Kesing. He worked for some time in the public relations department of a NASA contractor company. His book was titled "We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle".

The main point of the author is that man never went to the moon. In fact, three thousand billion dollars have been faked with the United States. The book highlighted some of the points that disbelievers in the success of the lunar mission were debating in later years.

In which he provided grainy photocopies and some funny facts to prove his conviction. He was able to formulate some enduring and accepted theories through his research, which still find their way into some Hollywood movies, Fox News documentaries, Reddit forums, and YouTube channels. 

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They tried to give an example with some pictures taken on the moon. Their question is that there is no air on the moon, so how does the American flag fly there? Another question is why no stars can be seen in the sky of the moon?
Michael Rick of the University of California says there are many scientific arguments to refute this flag-flying conspiracy theory. He said Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were planting the flag on the moon when it crumpled. And since the moon's gravity is six times less than Earth's, the crumpled flag stayed that way.
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Anwar Hossain, professor of astrophysics at Rochester Institute of Technology, said that the reason why there are no stars in the moon's sky is because the sun's light is reflected from the moon's surface. That is why the brightness of the image is catching the eye and because of this brightness the light of the stars in the background sky has faded. Besides, the exposure time of the camera may have been too long.
According to many, the moon has no moisture, then how will the footprints be? Professor Mark Robinson of Arizona State University gave a scientific explanation in response. According to them, the upper surface of the moon is very soft so it is natural to get footprints and the footprints will remain like that even after millions of years. Because the moon has no atmosphere and no air.

However, there is some remarkable evidence of going to the moon, such as 382 kg of moon rock, collected from about six missions. Russia, Japan and China also supported it. In addition, images sent by NASA's lunar rover in orbit show the footprints of the lunar lander. Still, around 1969, the conspiracy to prove the moon landings was a hoax began to flourish.

Another popular fact is that astronauts are supposed to die from the radioactive layer that surrounds the Earth. How can they go to the moon? This region of radioactivity surrounding the Earth is called However, according to NASA scientists, the crew of Apollo 11 were only there for 2 hours and less than 5 minutes where the radiation level was the highest. That's why radiation had no such effect.

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Many people think that in 1969 America's technology was advanced enough to send spaceships but not enough to land on the moon. And America was lagging behind the Soviet Union. So the Soviet Union could not, how can America? Many people think that the story of going to the moon is completely false. It was videoed at Area Fifty One. America did this to defeat the then Soviet Union.

Photographs taken by a spacecraft that orbited the moon in 2009 clearly prove that humans did indeed land on the moon. In that picture, the debris of Luna, the footprints, the shadow of the flag, etc. were seen.

But the most important question remains that man first stepped on the moon in 1969 but today is 2020. Today's technology is much better than the technology of that time. If people could go to the moon then why no one else has gone to the moon?

We are in a mystery. It doesn't take long to prove that the moon landing is true on one hand and false on the other. Hopefully this will be resolved one day. Moon landing will be proven true or false. 


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